THH Consulting

THH (The Health Hangar) provides health & travel consulting services primarily through one of our founding members Dr. Ramsey Hasan.

Dr. Ramsey brings demonstrated career experience as a physician, educator, global traveler, medical executive, consultant, and performance improvement specialist. Born in Chicago, raised in California, and a long-time resident of Hawaii, he has also lived in many parts of the United States and around the world during his academic and professional career. His passion for good health, travel and helping people is reflected in every area of his work, and he looks forward to bringing his expertise to you.

 (Nigeria, and Taiwan)



Consulting Experience

Dr. Ramsey spent 12 years traveling the world to accredit hospitals and clinics for The Joint Commission (JCI). His international consulting experience makes him ideally suited to help clients around the world achieve their best outcome.


(China, and Kazakhstan)



Medical and Administrative Experience

As a licensed and board-certified physician for over 30 years, Dr. Ramsey brings his expertise in clinical and administrative leadership from work on multiple continents. 

  • CEO of a hospital in Asia
  • Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for a 12-hospital system in Hawaii
  • Medical Director for a Trauma Center in Dubai
  • Team Leader for Joint Commission International (JCI)


(China, and UAE)


    Global Travel

    Dr. Ramsey has traveled to more than 75 countries and 40 US states on professional and personal travel. He worked as an expat in Dubai, Qatar, Mongolia, and Vietnam and completed accreditation inspection visits of hospitals and clinics for the Joint Commission in 29 countries.


    (Vietnam, and Mongolia)



    Bachelor of Science in Genetics, University of California at Davis, California, USA
    Doctor of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine at Denver, Colorado, USA 
    Residency in Emergency Medicine, University of Texas at Houston, Texas, USA
    Master of Business Administration, University of California UCLA Anderson School of Management, California, USA
    Master of Business Administration, National University of Singapore School of Business, Singapore


    More information will be provided here soon. Until then feel free to drop us a line: Contact Us


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